Tag Archives: plan

Week 2, Part 2: True Confessions


The first consultation for the Flax-y plan was more than 3 weeks ago, and there’s been no follow-up since. We’re supposed to meet again this Friday. My preparatory mental review of “progress” is not cause for rejoicing.

When we met, I asserted that I was up for any & all changes for a period of 3 months.

I lied.

While I was capable of that sort of dedication in the past, with each new diet plan I lose heart/steam/compliance at an ever more rapid clip.

Part of the reason is that for nearly each plan, initial weight loss was followed by a plateau & then rapidly regaining the weight. Bad enough if the regain had resulted from a Ben & Jerry’s binge–but since it usually occurred while still virtuously consuming mainly steamed broccoli and kale, well, sorry, but that’s just cosmic injustice. I understand that this is common plight for most dieters, but that’s little comfort.

With Flax-y, I haven’t [yet?] hit the dread plateau, but I’m finding it so difficult to maintain all the suggested changes that it’s just a question of time before I give up entirely. I’m already flagging.  Last week I was able to attend a wedding and eat only some vegetables & less than 1/2 a serving of salmon. But last night I came home tired from work and simply absolutely positively could not resist filching about a quarter cup of the mac and cheese (still warm! fragrant! creamy! and topped with buttery, perfectly browned, fresh bread crumbs!) left so enticingly next to the stove-top where I was reheating, yet again, some of the vile witch’s brew I prepared on Sunday.

So I think I need to:

  1. Reexamine my goals, shooting for something achievable
  2. Prioritize the recommendations, and jettison–at least temporarily–any less crucial for the beginning stages
  3. Figure out how to obtain a greater variety of food–that’s actually appetizing!–to get me through the week (quite a tall order given my schedule)