Week 4, Part 2: Indulge Me


I know snacking is evil. So is watching TV.

But I love both–preferably at the same time.

I don’t need a huge amount, mind you. Just a single program at the end of a harried day, with the accompaniment of, as Pooh Bear would put it, A Little Something.

So I’ve been searching for a treat to substitute for one of my favorites: buttered popcorn.

Imagine my delight when I found a recipe for popped amaranth.

Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Fast, easy, and healthy. Okay, so I’d be skipping the butter & salt, but at least it’d be crunchy and kinda fun.

Hauled out a pan & followed the directions. It worked. (Note there’s no exclamation point at the end of that last sentence.)

Here’s a pic of my former TV treat:


And here’s the new version:


You don’t see anything? Look closer, there at the very bottom of the cup.


Was that recipe supposed to be a joke? As a snack, it’s suited only to a Smurf. The taste? you ask. Think miniature Styrofoam pellet. And how is one to eat it? With tweezers?


Per Flax-y, craving comfort food–specifically sweet, like chocolate–can actually be sublimation of a more basic–and important–desire: for love. More romance, she explained, equals less food cravings.

I’m not dismissing that theory. Quite like it in fact. Yep, I’m up for more romance. And my husband is on board.

But, I can’t help wondering, isn’t more romance enhanced by more chocolate?

The search for an acceptable snack continues.

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